YouTube’s Sneaky Way to Lure Users to Chrome

2 min readJul 22, 2024


YouTube has been implementing tactics that slow down its video playback for users on browsers other than Google Chrome.

In the last couple of months, there have been reports that people experienced issues with their YouTube videos not loading as fast as usual, while other sites loaded quickly. Someone checked the JavaScript code and found a 5-second delay in video loading on Firefox and Brave, compared to Chrome, where the delay did not occur. This suggests an attempt by Google to push users away from other browsers and acquire more users for Chrome.

Some users reported experiencing this issue only when using an ad blocker, while others did not observe such behavior. However, I did experience it, as did many others who shared their findings in this Reddit Thread.

Besides intentionally degrading the user experience, this move is also a stinky tactic that capitalizes on user frustration with content loading times to drive people toward Google Chrome. It is a form of customer manipulation, creating the illusion that Chrome is superior to other browsers, especially when it comes to accessing videos on the most popular ‘free’ source of entertainment — Youtube.

Is this legal?

While it may damage trust, we’ve come to expect such things from big companies like Google. We’re used to having our personal data used against us and to watching unwanted ads on our devices, often having to sit through multiple 25-second ads before finally seeing a 40-second video. Some believe it’s their playground and that their rules are the only ones that matter. Some of us never buy anything we see in those ads anyway.

In the long run, damaging a company’s reputation might be worth it, at least for Google. At the moment, I would rather keep my ad-blocker on and watch a 5-second loading spinner than be forced to listen to another Glovo song.

How did we get here?

I believe that what happened was that too many people wanted to be seen as the ‘good boys’ and ‘good gals’ of the month at Google. Even if they didn’t completely lose their humanity in the process, they weren’t thoughtful enough to consider the consequences of their actions. This also makes me question their principles and trustworthiness as leaders.

What should we take home?

Engineers have a significant role in shaping the world to create a better future for us and for generations to come.

In my opinion, every engineer should in some way improve the planet and the lives of people with every product they work on. It doesn’t matter if it is entertainment, healthcare or researching the universe.

Software companies should ensure that websites and services they offer are accessible and functional to accommodate all users.

Customers should always be attracted by offering services that are so unique and outstanding that they naturally want to remain loyal to the product.




Written by BatCat

My mission is to share some of the solutions I find during my journey as a data engineer. I mostly write about PostgreSQL and Python.

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